
Icecat Number 15 in Main Software Ranking 2018

Icecat has been ranked by Main Capital yesterday as a top 15 player in the Main Software 50 ranking for 2018 of Dutch software companies. The no 15 ranking of Icecat is based on a weighed overall score of 88.3%. In the ranking, Icecat is number 1 in its category as ecommerce / content publisher.

“We’re honoured about being again included in the Main Software Top 50. This time we scored 12 positions higher in the ranking compared to 2017. It’s a recognition of the hard work of the Icecat, Iceshop and Syndy teams towards providing SaaS and cloud solutions for the ecommerce market. Especially Product Information Management and syndication tooling.” In previous years, the holding of Icecat, iMerge was included in the ranking. But, as all software activities are now consolidated under Icecat N.V., it made more sense to have Icecat participate this year.

Main Software 50

November 1, 2018, for the seventh consecutive year, the festive award ceremony of the Main Software 50 took place. The Main Software 50 is the renowned ranking of the 50 most successful Dutch software companies.

In the top 50, the average annual revenues growth is 22% and SaaS is the main revenues driver with a 56% share.


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