
Icecat ranked in Dutch Emerce100 Edition

Today Emerce publishes the sixteenth edition of Emerce100, a special annual edition. Emerce is a multi-channel publication on digital business, media, marketing, venture & tech, and offers decision-makers e-business inspiration. The Emerce100 shows how online industry decision-makers rate the performance of service providers across dozens of categories. For the first time, Icecat is ranked in Emerce100 in the new “data suppliers” category.

To sum up, the research covers five areas: Agencies, E-business services, Media & Advertising, Software, and Venture. In the past, this involved a hundred companies, but nowadays, the list has grown considerably. In total, 998 companies filled in a survey, an increase of 15% compared to last year. One of the reasons for this increase is the ever-growing number of specialisms and providers in the e-business market, requiring more detailed analysis.

Icecat ranked 4th

In this edition of the Emerce100, there is a sub-category “data suppliers.” Each of the groups’ Agencies, E-business services, Media & Advertising, Software, and Venture has multiple subcategories. In the subcategory data suppliers,” Weborama ranks first with 5,5 stars. The second is digital audience. The third is EDM. And Icecat is fourth with 5 stars. To clarify, the survey represents a 7-point scale and contains a maximum of seven stars.

Please see below an overview of the subcategory “data suppliers”:

We are proud that Icecat ranks fourth in the Emerce100. Especially, as it is the first time. It’s an extra motivation to continue to focus on further improving our services for our local and global clients

Wouter Maatman, Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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