
Icecat in Top 30 Fastest-growing Dutch Data Science Companies

Icecat lists as number thirty in the 2022 SME Data Science Top 50 among the fastest-growing Dutch Data Science companies. Last year Icecat was also listed in this ranking. The ranking is based on the average growth in revenue, employees, and the total number of employees per December 2021. For details about Icecat on the Dutch digital stock exchange for SMEs, please check NPEX.

Icecat won multiple other awards in the past, for example, the European Business Award, a 4th ranking in the Main Software 5, and a nomination for the FD Gazellen Award.

SME Data Science ranking

Ranking in the 2022 SME Data Science works as follows. Firstly, companies must have their core business in data, data services, and data products and offer this in the business-to-business market. Secondly, the company must have 5-250 employees established before 2018. And finally, they must be Dutch. In 2022, all listed companies’ combined annual revenue growth is 35% and 34% in terms of employees. This shows that this sector is people-driven.

In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly via the website.

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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