
Icecat database usage increased by 86 percent in Q3 2021

The number of product data sheet (PDS) downloads during Q3 2021 increased by 86% to 3.5 billion compared to the same period one year before. The total number of registered Icecat data users increased by 9% reaching 100K+ users.

38% increase in use of Vendor Central

Icecat Free Vendor Central becomes more and more popular for brand owners that are willing to enter their product data themselves. They are motivated by syndication needs of their key online channel partners. The total number of registered brand editors in Icecat Vendor Central increased by 25% in Q3 2021, year-on-year. Important to mention is that the number of active users in the system increased even by 22%, year-on-year. Their activity in terms of product data sheet modifications increased by 38% in Q3 2021, year-on-year.

Increase in PDS production by 24% leads to more then 10.5 million product descriptions

In Q3, Icecat produced nearly half a million of Icecat quality PDSs. The overall number of Icecat quality PDSs in the Icecat database increased by 24% year-on-year. Worth mentioning is that the increase in production is happening simultaneously with efficiency increases. A clear indicator for this is the average cost per data sheet (CPD). It went down by 8% in Q3 2021, compared to the same period in the previous year.

Popularity Icecat portals grows by 115%

There was a 115% growth in the number of product visits (1.9 billion) to the Icecat portal in Q3 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. Also our manual and news portal, Iceclog, shows an increase of 197% in visits and 82% in visitors.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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