
Icecat Attends E-SHOW Madrid, October 30-31

Icecat is pleased to confirm its attendance at the forthcoming E-SHOW Madrid between October 30th and 31st in Spain. This premier event offers attendees a comprehensive overview of the latest strategies, tools, and advancements in the digital domain. Icecat aims to share its expertise, gain insights, and network. If you’re interested in online shopping, digital marketing, or related fields, E-SHOW Madrid is an opportunity to meet fellow professionals. Not only that, but to learn from shared experiences and understand where you fit within the broader industry landscape.

About E-SHOW Madrid

E-SHOW Madrid stands as a premier event in the digital business landscape, online shopping, and online marketing. It draws in a diverse array of industry professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts. With over 400 exhibitors, including leading companies and technology service providers, it serves as a platform for cutting-edge products and services. Moreover, the event has a lineup of over 350 speakers who bring forth the best success stories, tech talks, and engaging discussion tables, facilitating knowledge exchange and insights into emerging trends. With a remarkable attendance of over 15,000 visitors, they primarily attract previously qualified professionals from the sector, with 30% of them belonging to the C-Level, including CEOs from some of the industry’s top companies. Ultimately, it offers a unique mix of expertise, innovation, and networking opportunities for those interested in the digital business ecosystem.

Connect with Icecat at  E-SHOW Madrid

Planning to be at E-SHOW Madrid 2023 and curious about what Icecat has in store? Contact Maria Diaz or Edorta Gorria on LinkedIn to set up a meeting. This year’s event is shaping up to be a golden chance to see the latest tech. While there, meet some well-known industry people and pick up some new knowledge. Icecat hopes to see you there!

Edorta Gorria

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