
Humly and Icecat Join Forces to Enhance the Online Shopping Experience

Humly and Icecat join forces to make Humly’s product content available in the Icecat catalog and enhance the online shopping experience of consumers as a result. Humly is a cutting-edge technology brand that specializes in workspace solutions, offering market leading compliance, security and flexibility. With a wide range of products, Humly develops high-end technical solutions that help users organize and manage their workspaces more effectively. From booking rooms, desks, and other workspaces with ease to finding your way in a hybrid office environment, Humly is a pioneer within the smart workplace industry.

Download Humly Product Content

Thanks to the syndication via Open Icecat, the Humly product content is now available for all the brand’s resellers free of charge. Humly invites all its partners to download the structured content of the Icecat catalog. All digital assets, such as product specifications, marketing texts, images, and logos, are available in its product datasheets.

It was a strategic discussion for us at Humly to become an Icecat sponsor and make our entire portfolio available to everyone. We care about simplicity and consolidating all our data in a single location without any limitations. This approach makes it easier for us to verify the accuracy of data and to keep it up to date for all our partners.

Anders Karlsson, CEO at Humly

Resellers can choose from various formats such as XML, JSON, CSV or JavaScript to embed or upload content into their online stores. Of course, manuals are available for each of these formats. Alternatively, users can choose some of the standard Icecat connectors, among others for Shopify, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, etc.

If you are already an Icecat user, please log in with your existing account to access the content. In case you don’t have an account yet, please register as a new user or contact us directly in case of questions.

The Benefits of Open Icecat Sponsorship for Your Business

In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, businesses need to find new and innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by sponsoring Open Icecat, a leading source of product data and content for e-Commerce platforms.

  1. Increased visibility: Open Icecat sponsorship gives businesses the opportunity to showcase their products to a large and diverse audience. With millions of unique visitors each month, businesses can reach a wider audience and increase their visibility in the marketplace.
  2. Improved product data: Open Icecat provides accurate and up-to-date product data and content to e-Commerce platforms, giving businesses the opportunity to improve the quality of the data associated with their products. This helps increase customer confidence in products and can lead to a significant boost in sales.
  3. Enhanced brand reputation: By sponsoring Open Icecat, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to providing customers with accurate and high-quality product information. This can help to enhance their brand reputation and increase customer loyalty.
  4. Access to valuable insights: As a sponsor, businesses will have access to valuable insights into consumer behavior, product trends, and market dynamics. This information can be used to inform marketing and product development strategies, and to better understand the needs and preferences of customers.
  5. Increased competitiveness: By providing accurate and up-to-date product information, businesses can increase their competitiveness in the marketplace. This can help attract new customers and retain existing ones, leading to increased sales and growth.


To wrap up, the Open Icecat sponsorship is an investment in the future of your business. With its wide audience reach, accurate product data, and valuable insights, Open Icecat sponsorship provides businesses with the tools they need to grow and succeed in today’s highly competitive digital landscape. So why wait? Check out our subscription plans or contact us directly to learn more about how you can benefit from our services.

Filip van Ryn

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