
FSP Joins Open Icecat to Distribute its Product Content and Enhanced Product Stories

FSP has started using Icecat to distribute its product content to its resellers. All the FSP product content is available in the Icecat catalog in German and Spanish languages. This includes specifications, images, PDFs, videos, and Enhanced Product Stories to improve the conversion on retailer product pages further. As an Open Icecat Sponsor, FSP is taking a significant step forward in enhancing its brand image and providing service to its resellers.

About FSP

Since its establishment in 1993, FSP has been dedicated to meeting customer needs with innovative and reliable products. Its flagship series includes the highly efficient Aurum and Hydro series. FSP commits to delivering cutting-edge solutions that enrich users’ lives worldwide. Through continuous innovation and a customer-centric approach, FSP aims to provide highly efficient and innovative products for all families, both now and in the future.

Benefits for FSP’s Resellers

As an Open Icecat Sponsor, FSP’s resellers gain access to Icecat’s open data platform, enabling seamless distribution of FSP’s structured product content to a global network of partners. Resellers can now download product details. This includes specifications, marketing texts, images, and more, all available in multiple formats and readily accessible in the Icecat catalog. Additionally, FSP is excited to introduce Enhanced Product Stories, dynamic multimedia narratives that offer an improved shopping experience for customers, driving engagement and boosting sales. This empowers resellers to enhance their online presence and better engage with their target audience, setting new standards in the digital landscape. Icecat Enhanced Product Stories can easily be added with just a few lines of JavaScript. A manual on embedding Enhanced Product Stories is available.

How to Access FSP’s Product Content and Enhanced Product Stories

FSP’s channel partners can easily access the structured product content and Enhanced Product Stories through the Icecat catalog.

Whether you’re an existing Icecat user or new to the platform, registering for an account gives access to FSP’s product details in various formats. It also includes Enhanced Product Stories. Log in to your Icecat account or register as a new user. For any inquiries or assistance, contact us directly.

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

Lana Buschhoff

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

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