
EET Group Recommends its Supplier Brands to Upload Product Content via Icecat Vendor Central

EET Group, a leading European distributor for IT parts, directs its supplier brands to add their product information directly into the Icecat catalog via Vendor Central.

EET Group is a value-added niche IT distributor, providing suppliers and customers with expert industry knowledge, intelligent logistics solutions, unique sales service and smart marketing tools. Under the commercial name, EET Europarts, they help quality brands bring their products to the European market across 26 countries. Every day their state-of-the-art logistics center handles thousands of shipments going out to more than 43.000 buying customers. They represent more than 920 brands, from global icons to local favorites.

In order to attract more buyers, EET Group seeks to automate the flow of product information, having it appear in webshops instantly, thus making it available to customers as quickly as possible. To increase sales performance, EET Group has chosen Icecat to convert and deliver product information in the correct format as soon as the supplier brands update the information via the Icecat Vendor Central.

EET Group has integrated Icecat’s product content seamlessly into its product information management (PIM) system. The relevant product information for its 1 million different products and parts, which can be directly retrieved from Icecat’s catalog in this way includes:

  • Product identifiers (GTIN: EAN, MPN, Tariff-, ECCN- and Dual-Use codes)
  • Categorization
  • High-resolution JPG-images
  • One main image and at least two secondary images
  • Videos where available
  • Short description, long description, detailed marketing text, product features and USP’s
  • Product specifications
  • Product brochure, datasheet and manuals in PDF format

Would you like to deliver your product information to EET Group? We are more than happy to help you! Get started by registering here (FREE).

Yagiz Cekic

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