
DEQSTER Product Content is now Available in Icecat

DEQSTER, based in Hamburg, is a startup that specializes in elevating the worlds of education and work through its premium accessories. Their name, DEQSTER, stands for Decode + Quality + Master. DEQSTER now joins Icecat as an Open Icecat Sponsor to distribute its product content. All its product content is now available in the Icecat catalog for free for all its resellers. As an open Icecat sponsor, DEQSTER encourages its resellers to register for Icecat and start downloading the content to enhance their product pages.

Benefits for Resellers

Thanks to the syndication via Open Icecat, their product content is available for the brand’s resellers free of charge. Therefore, DEQSTER invites all its resellers to register for Icecat and download the structured content from the Icecat catalog. Digital assets, such as product specifications, marketing texts, images, and logos, are available in its product datasheets in English and German. 

Furthermore, resellers will receive the DEQSTER product content in a timely manner and always have the latest product content online. Resellers have the option to download and implement the product content in various formats. For example, in CSV, XML, JSON, or Icecat Live. Alternatively, resellers can choose some of the standard Icecat connectors, among others, for example, Shopify, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, etc. DEQSTER has licensed Icecat to syndicate its copyrighted materials to its channel partners.

Download DEQSTER Content

If you are already an Icecat user, please log in with your existing account to access the content. In case you don’t have an account yet, please register as a new user or contact us directly in case of questions.

Volker Strack

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