
Cedemo to Icecat Bridge Finalized to Share Toy and Entertainment Product Content

On April 1, 2020 Icecat finalized the acquisition of Cedemo’s toys and entertainment product content business for the e-commerce market. To also share the toy and entertainment product content there is now a live bridge between Cedemo and Icecat. Why is there a bridge? First of all, it increases the number of toy and entertainment product datasheets in the Icecat catalog. Secondly, it helps to raise the completeness of the product content. Furthermore, Icecat can now make use of the Cedemo connectors. Finally, Cedemo can use Icecat’s big retailer network.

How does the Cedemo to Icecat bridge work?

First, the Cedemo platform pushes the product content to the bridge. After that, the bridge pushes the product content into the Icecat platform. The content is available in real-time for Icecat users. Besides that, there is a direct daily taxonomy synchronization from the Icecat to the Cedemo platform.

Retrieve data from Icecat to Cedemo

On the other hand, the bridge also receives updated product content from the daily index files from the Icecat platform. The bridge pushes the updated data into the Cedemo platform. The Icecat category is now the main category on the Cedemo platform and is daily synchronized.

All the exchanges are based in the Icecat taxonomy and are daily synchronized. The Transformation from Cedemo to Icecat taxonomy handled by the Cedemo Platform and managed by the Cedemo Techops Team.

Road to a common eco-system

Now that the sharing of product information between the Icecat and Cedemo platforms is a reality, the next step will be to pool the high value-added functionalities of all Icecat Group platforms into a common eco-system. These include a common authentication system, a shared AFS connection, and many others.

Guillaume Stritmatter

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