
Belgian Exellent asks its Vendors to Enter Product Content in Icecat

Exellent is the largest chain of independent specialist electro stores in Belgium after the subsequent mergers with Expert, Electronic Partners en Selexion. The chain includes currently around 1000 physical stores, 400 of which have a repair service included. Exellent, as a Full Icecat subscriber, joins now the Free Vendor Central Program. And, asks its vendors to register and start entering and enriching their product content via the Vendor Central interface. Or to join the premium services of Open Icecat for unlimited or controlled content syndication to all their channel partners.

We are delighted with the collaboration with Icecat and its great product content. To further enrich product content for our e-commerce environment, we need quality product content from brands.

Kenneth Claus, Sales Manager Electro at Exellent

Icecat helps brands to be more effective, promote, and position their products in the Exellent Webshop and elsewhere. Furthermore, Icecat helps to improve coverage and completeness of product content and reduce the time-to-market for new products.

Exellent is one of our first major partners in Belgium and they always encourage their suppliers to use Icecat as it is a win-win for all: for Exellent, Icecat, and the brand owner.

Filip van Ryn, Country Manager Belgium at Icecat

Benefits for Exellent Vendors

After sign up, brand editors can immediately start improving their product information as is made available to Exellent and other stores. Examples of data elements are product titles, descriptions, specs, images, and product videos.  Furthermore, the entered product information goes straight into the Icecat catalog and is ready to go live in minutes. Additionally, brand editors get real-time notifications of updates and Icecat can push content to the live site directly. Finally, Vendor Central is free to use.

In case you need support, there are some service levels available that utilize the editorial team. And, there are options for Digital Right Management to ensure exclusive syndication of digital assets to selected authorized resellers.

For more information, contact Icecat online or register for Free Vendor Central. See also the tutorial How to Register Online for Free Vendor Central.

Filip van Ryn

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