
Announcement: Publish a Product Data-Sheet as PDF

Not all product data-sheets (PDSs) have a PDF. To auto-generate a PDF for any PDS is a function that brands, retailers and consumers like, even though the information is the same as what can be found on the Icecat website. So, we’re working on a “Generate a PDF data-sheet” download option for Open Icecat brands.

Here are the requirements voiced:

  • A PDF consists of two pages with the PDS info
  • Product information to be included:
    – Brand logo
    – Family logo (if present)
    – Title
    – The link to the original PDS
    – Basic product information (brand name, product family, product name, product code)
    – Bullet points with features
    – Full product name
    – Marketing text
    – Product specs
    – Product images (max 2)
    – Feature logos (max 3)

    On the second page:
    – Specs if there are too many for the 1st page
    – GTIN code(s)
    – Powered by Icecat logo and a disclaimer text
Vladimir Demchuk

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