
Where to find us in 2020?

In 2020, we will be present at various events throughout the United States of America and Europe. All these events are in different categories where Icecat is active like eCommerce, toys, electronics and games.

Icecat will attend the following events in 2020:

Our Events Calendar

7 – 11 JANCES Las Vegas
THE annual trade show for new tech in the consumer electronics industry
Las Vegas, USA
21 JANToy Fair London
UK’s largest, dedicated trade show for toys, games and hobbies
London, UK
29 – 30 JANWebwinkel Vakdagen
The biggest e-commerce event of the Benelux
Utrecht, NL
29 JAN – 1 FEBSpielwarenmesse
The world’s leading fair for toys, hobby and leisure articles
Nuremberg, DE
9 – 11 FEBPure London
UK’s most anticipated annual fashion trade show
London, UK
11 – 14 FEBIntegrated Systems Europe
The largest AV and systems integration show in the world
Amsterdam, NL
22 – 25 FEBToy Fair New York
Annual American International Toy Fair
New York, USA
11 – 12 MARE-show Mexico
Biggest annual e-commerce congress and fair in Mexico
Mexico, NA
11 – 12 MARIT Partners Paris 2020
Annual IT trade show
Paris, FR
29 – 30 MARProfessional Beauty London
UK’s largest beauty and spa trade show
London, UK
6 – 7 MAYEcommerce Forum Milan
Italy’s leading event for e-commerce and digital transformation
Milan, IT
13 – 19 JUNInfoComm 2020
The audiovisual & integrated experience event
Las Vegas, USA
5 – 6 AUGiPharma 2020
Pharma conference and expo in Europe
London, UK
6 – 8 SEPSpoga+gafa 2020
The garden trade fair
Cologne, DE
4 – 9 SEPIFA Berlin
The world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances
Berlin, DE
6 – 8 OCTBrand Licensing Europe 2020
Dedicated leading event for licensing and brand extension
London, UK
22 – 25 OCTThe Ski & Snowboard Festival
UK’s largest ski & snowboard festival
London, UK

Check out our video calendar, save the dates and locations and join us!

Digital Marketer & Brand Identity Developer for Icecat based in North Macedonia.

Stevan Vlaski

Digital Marketer & Brand Identity Developer for Icecat based in North Macedonia.

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