
Update: Open Source Pimcore-Icecat Addon V4 is Live – Full Icecat Users!

The fourth version of Icecat’s open source Pimcore-Icecat addon, is now live and ready for use. The previous three versions of the software focused on the Open Icecat product content. In contrast, version 4 provides enhanced capabilities by enabling Full Icecat users advanced access and facilitating the import of Full Icecat product content.

Install the Pimcore-Icecat Addon

The v4.0.0 plugin is compatible with Pimcore version 10.5.* or greater versions.

  • Install the latest Icecat addon v4.0.0
    – composer requires icecat/icecat-integration:^4.0
  • Update the existing icecat plugin to v4.0.0
    – composer requires icecat/icecat-integration:^4.0
    – bin/console doctrine:migrations: migrate –prefix=IceCatBundle\\Migrations

V4 Features

  • Upgrade to Pimcore version 10.5.*
  • An Open Source MIT licensed under Icecat NV
  • Unlock the Full Icecat features

Upgrade to Pimcore version 10.5.*

The V4 is now compatible with the latest Pimcore version 10.5.*

MIT license and Contact Details

Unlock Full Icecat

Login as an Open Icecat user – the Open Icecat user will have to enter the following:

  • API Access Token

Upgrade to Full Icecat link will only be visible to the Open Icecat users.

Log in as a Full Icecat user. Full Icecat users will have to enter the following:

  • API Access Token
  • Content Access Token
  • App Key

In case of any issues with the user account and/or keys, the appropriate errors will be logged, and the import process will be stopped without importing any products from Icecat.

Users can get the API Access Token, Content Access Token, and App Key details under My Profile by logging into
Prakash Dagwal

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