
Update: Open Source magento2-extension V2 is Live – Full Icecat Users and Bulk Import by Specific Brands!

The second version of Icecat’s open-source magento2-extension V2 is now live and available immediately. While the first version primarily concentrated on Open Icecat product content, version 2 leaps forward by introducing enhanced capabilities designed explicitly for Full Icecat Users. With this update, advanced access is granted, allowing for the seamless importing of Full Icecat product content into your Magento store. 

New features in version 2.0.0

  • Unlock the Full Icecat users
  • Filter and Bulk Import Products by Specific Brands
  • Performance Improvements

Install the latest magento2-extension version 2.0.0

  • composer requires icecat/magento2-extension
  • php bin/magento module:enable Icecat_DataFeed
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:flush

Update the existing magento2-extension version 1.0.0 to version 2.0.0

  • composer require icecat/magento2-extension:2.0.0
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:flush

New features listing

Unlock the Full Icecat users

Login as an Open or Full Icecat user, input the following details, and Save Config:

  • User Name
  • Password
  • API Access Token

Open Icecat users will have access to the exclusive “Upgrade to Full Icecat” link. 

Full Icecat Users will have to input the following additional details:

  • Content Access Token
  • App Key

To access your API Access Token, Content Access Token, and App Key details, simply log into and navigate to “My Profile.” 

Filter and Bulk Import Products by Specific Brands

Default Filter: All Brands

When you select this option, Icecat will consider all products from your Magento catalog for importing product data.

Select Specific Brands

By selecting this option, the system will populate unique brand names based on the previously mapped Brand Name attribute in the “Icecat Configuration” section. Consequently, you will have the ability to import product data exclusively for these selected brands.

In this case, only products from the Magento catalog belonging to the Apple and Braun brands will be considered for importing product data from Icecat. This means, products from other brands, such as HP, will not be imported.

Important Note: Flushing the Magento Cache is strongly recommended after making any configuration changes. 

Performance Improvements

To optimize the import process, we have implemented a new approach that eliminates the need to overwrite all images and YouTube videos during each import. Instead, only the new assets from Icecat are imported after the initial import. All images or YouTube videos that are already present in the Magento catalog will be skipped, ensuring that existing content remains untouched. This strategy significantly reduces the time required for processing downloads.

As a result, while the initial import took 103 seconds, subsequent imports were completed in an average of just 12.29 seconds. This remarkable improvement represents a 88% reduction in processing time. These time savings are particularly valuable when dealing with large product catalogs.

By implementing this efficient import method, we not only save valuable processing resources but also provide a more streamlined experience for managing media assets in Magento.

Prakash Dagwal

View Comments

  • there is an error when applying this command php bin/magento setup:upgrade:
    SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1813 Tablespace for table '`magento2`.`icecat_product_attachment`' exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT, query was:

    in version this error was not present

  • i got it to work, if it was my magento database
    I get an error when importing the product into my magento
    what I manage to import are only the images of the product and it shows me this warning:

    Temporarily allowed to save HTML value that contains restricted elements. Allowed HTML attributes for tag "span" are: class,width,height,style,alt,title,border,id,data-active-tab,data-appearance,data-autoplay,data-autoplay-speed,data-background-images,data-background-type,data-carousel-mode,data-center-padding,data-content-type,data-element,data-enable-parallax,data-fade,data-grid-size,data-infinite-loop,data-link-type,data-locations,data-overlay-color,data-parallax-speed, data-pb-style,data-same-width,data-show-arrows,data-show-button,data-show-controls,data-show-dots,data-show-overlay,data-slide-name,data-slick-index,data-role,data-product-id,data-price-box, aria-hidden,aria-label,data-tab-name,data-video-fallback-src,data-video-lazy-load,data-video-loop,data-video-overlay-color,data-video-play-only-visible,data-video-src,href,role,target

    • Ji Luis! We are not sure for which field this is happening. However, since it's a html warning, this could we case for html fields download, for example, the specifications. Even in that case, it's just a warning while saving the html content in the Magento database due to setting in the customer's Magento template. To remove this warning/error, the setting needs to be changed in the Magento template to allow the restricted html content.

  • Hi, we are working with Magento 2 and when importing product information it only reads the GTIN and not the MPN (or product code) and Brand to match our products with your data base. Since many products don't have GTIN, how can we configure it to do the match by MPN and Brand instead?


    • Hello Luis! Yes, Its mentioned in the readme. These three attributes can be sourced from any fields within the customer's database, containing the relevant data. If MPN has the ProductCode data, they can match it with the options in the ProductCode dropdown. The extension follows a simple rule: it uses GTIN for matching if it's available, and if not, it uses Brand + ProductCode combination.

      Note: Regardless of how the customer's fields are mapped, we will consider these attributes with the corresponding GTIN, Brand, and Productcode fields on the Icecat side.

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