
Alert: Scammers Impersonating us

Please, be aware that there are scammers trying to impersonate Icecat invoicing communication. A client made us aware of receiving an e-mail to hold the payments to Icecat and send them later to a different bank account number. However, this email is not from Icecat and the “new” account number does not belong to Icecat.

Icecat would never ask for a payment or change of payment details in an e-mail. Only our invoices (PDFs) and contracts contain our payment data.

This forged e-mail is sent from the e-mail address ***, which is not associated with Reeleezee, nor Icecat. The sender e-mail address used to invoice our clients is *** Therefore, please be alert and if you receive such an e-mail, be aware that it is a scam.

What to do? In many cases, an email spam filter will already detect the forging attempt of scammers that illegally impersonate a company. And, great filters would mark the respective emails as spam. If not, you can in many cases mark the emails manually as spam, which (in Google Mail) would trigger a learning process.

If you have any questions or are unsure about the authenticity of any communication coming from Icecat, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact us online.


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