
Refreshed Logo and Design for Icecat

Icecat launched a refreshed logo and design for its website There was a need for an improved and modern browsing experience for users and content that combine all Icecat companies and services in one. The new Icecat website is a part of the ongoing evolution within Icecat, including the Icecat One PIM. This also includes a new logo that fits the strategy.

New Logo

The new logo will accompany a brand-wide refresh for Icecat, with a more minimalist design. The Open Catalog is removed from the logo as this only highlighted the content part. Simplicity is key nowadays and refreshing the logo means Icecat keeps evolving.  The classic blue color that has been used for two decades will still be a strong part of the brand.

Refreshed web design

With a modern new design, the website is intuitive to navigate and has a better product story. There is a clearer menu structure with a drop-down menu both for brands and content users. There is also a dedicated careers page for new employees, sustainable activities, and an investors’ page.

What’s next?

We will add more content to the website. For example, dedicated vertical pages, highlight partnerships, and make all pages SEO-proof. Further, we will use for marketing-specific campaigns and make specific landing pages for campaigns and countries.

Watch the reveal video:

Digital Marketer & Brand Identity Developer for Icecat based in North Macedonia.

Stevan Vlaski

Digital Marketer & Brand Identity Developer for Icecat based in North Macedonia.

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