
ProDVX Uses Icecat to Syndicate Product Content to its Channel Partners

ProDVX uses Icecat to syndicate its AV product content to its channel partners. ProDVX is a manufacturer and seller of hardware such as Android and Intel displays, touchscreens, and related accessories. As a sponsor, the brand benefits from unlimited syndication of all its product content to any of its channel partners. To further develop the AV vertical, Icecat will actively promote ProDVX among connected distributors in major EU countries like the United Kingdom. On the other hand, ProDVX will promote free Open Icecat among its not yet connected distributors. For example in countries like France and Germany.

Icecat already has a reputation in the audio-visual (AV) industry and works closely with various AV brands, and the Dutch association of audio-visual system integrators VSI. Their opinion is that “great product content helps to improve the visibility of its members’ webshops in Google Search.”

ProDVX is a great Sponsor to have in the Open Icecat catalog given its strong presence in the AV industry. We will jointly work together to develop the AV-industry.

Filip van Ryn, Country Manager Belgium

If you are a ProDVX reseller, you can use your existing Icecat account to download its free product content. However, if you don’t have an account yet, please register online or contact us directly.

Filip van Ryn

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