
Brand Permission Request Management Applied to Full Icecat Brands to Control Viewing a Product’s Rich Media Assets

In many jurisdictions – at least in the US and EU – a permissive legal framework is in place for the online re-use of a brand owner’s copyrighted materials in so far already published on the internet. A grey area can be when a brand owner didn’t obtain all relevant copyrights from an artist or a human model. Icecat owns the copyrights of the specsheet, and the so-called database rights. To increase the level of third party copyrights protection and to protect users against legal copyrights compliance debates, Icecat introduces an extra function in its website, it’s frontoffice, to permission request management regarding Full Icecat brands – manufacturers with which Icecat has no generic licensing deal. This change has no impact on the APIs of Icecat, the download of digital assets through external links, and has no impact on the content of Open Icecat brands as they provided a generic and permissive license to Icecat already.

Brand Permission Request Management

Now, it is required to get permission from the respective brand to see its product images and other multimedia assets on In about two weeks, we will start to support permission request management. We add a special button on each Full Icecat product page on Icecat’s website so that Icecat users can request the above mentioned permissions from their brand contacts. Next, the brand contacts can authorize the respective users with one click to view the respective brand’s digital assets. The advantages are that a reseller can keep track of the brands from which it got a formal permission, and from which not

Until the mentioned button is live, you can send the request for authorization to your brand contact and inform your account manager or us here. Please, indicate the name and the email address of the responsible person for each brand you want to get permission for.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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