
Open-Source Magento2-Extension V1 is Live!

Icecat successfully released Open source Magento2-Extension V1 to our growing open-source add-ons list. The open-source Icecat extension gives the capability to enrich Magento 2 product catalog from the open and free Icecat rich product catalog.

Installation Prerequisites: Magento Open Source 2.4.5


To install this extension, use the following commands:

  • composer require icecat/magento2-extension
  • php bin/magento module:enable Icecat_Datafeed
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:flush


  • After installation, verify if the dragonmantank/cron-expression library has been installed. You may check this by going into /<yourproject>/vendor/dragonmantank. If this exists then it is fine.
    If not, then a manual installation is recommended using the following command composer require dragonmantank/cron-expression
  • Set the following command to the crontab – prerequisite for the scheduled job

* * * * * php /<yourproject>/bin/magento icecat:queue-runner 2>&1 | grep -v “Icecat Cron” >> /<yourproject>/var/log/icecat.cron.log

The Icecat Extension will be added in the default Magento store configuration section.


  • An Open-Source plug-and-play extension and MIT licensed under Icecat NV.
  • A user-friendly interface to configure the Icecat import attributes.
  • Multi-store and multi-website catalog management to drive more business.
  • Import all the product data from the Open-Icecat catalog, including Icecat categories, marketing text, specifications, images, YouTube videos, pdf, product stories, reasons to buy, bullet points, and product reviews.
  • Recurring bulk imports, Automatic -full- or Manual -Delta & Full- or single product imports.
  • Complete downloadable import job summary statistics for immediate action.

MIT license And Contact Details

Configuration Details

  • General Configuration – Enable the Icecat Extension.
  • User Authentication – An Open-Icecat user account and the API access token is required to import the product data via Icecat API. New users could easily get these details by using the “Register with Icecat” option, as mentioned below.

The API access token could be easily generated by logging in on 

Store Configuration

The extension will import the product data only in the selected stores locales.


One-time attribute mapping is required to import the data via Icecat API. These attributes are created by the end user in the Magento environment, and the icecat extension will use these attributes to match the product in the Icecat catalog.


  • The attributes scope must be global and of type text.
  • The attributes must be part of the attribute set used for the Magento product catalog.


Once enabled, a one-time new root category named “Icecat Categories” will be created without any impact on the Default Category. The Icecat Categories then could be utilized as per need, for example – by assigning to the required store into General Configurations or by moving specific categories to the Default Category. 


Images and YouTube videos -only public- are imported into Magento’s default “Images And Videos” section. If more than one store is configured, the user will see all the images and videos in the Default Store View.  However, once a particular store view is enabled, images and videos will be active for that store view, and all the images and videos from other store’s views will be marked as hidden. 
All the documents are stored in the table icecat_product_attachtment.


All the specifications are imported into the icecat_specifications attribute with default Icecat heading color. The user has flexibility to change the color in order to match their Web shop’s theme. 

Other Enriched Fields

Product Reviews are stored in the table icecat_product_reviews. All the remaining fields are Magento attributes and have been created by default during the Icecat extension installation.

Basic Fields

All the basic Icecat attributes will default be created and mapped to save time. Only the standard Magento attributes are required to be mapped by the Magento user. The user has the flexibility to keep only the required fields as per need.

  • Recurring bulk imports – Users will be able to automate full import with the cron expression.

Full Import takes all the products from the Magento product catalog, and for the matched products in the Icecat catalog, imports back the specified product data into the Magento catalog as per the configurations.

Delta Import takes all the products which have been updated in the Magento product catalog since the last full/automatic import run.

  • Single Product Import – On the product details page, the user has the flexibility to import single product data on demand.

Icecat Categories

  • Icecat Categories – On the very first import, automatically, a new root category named “Icecat Categories” will be created.

Product Data Details

  • On the product details page, all the Icecat product data will be available under the highlighted sections.


Product Reviews



Bullet Points

Images And Videos

YouTube Video View

Related Products

While importing the product from Icecat Catalog, all the related products will be searched in the Magento Catalog using Brand Name and Product Code. All the matched products will be then linked under the main product. 

Import Statistics

Not found in Icecat: These are the products present in the Magento Catalog but not in the Icecat Catalog. If you would like to publish these products into Icecat, contact us.
Forbidden in Icecat: A full icecat subscription is required to access these products.

Log File Format

Prakash Dagwal

View Comments

  • Hello Prakash

    im facing a issue with this extension installing it,
    works fine installing it with composer, but then when i upgrade it throws an sqlstate error - SQLSTATE [42SO2] Base table view not found: 1146 Table `mglb_catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value dosnt exist, and it does exist and no errors after checking for errors with plesk tools.
    also it affects the cache:flush or clean command, not recognised in the cli via ssh.

    do you have any ideas here?

    • Hi Chris, thanks for reaching out. Otto already replied to you as well with the comment below:
      In the error the issue is with Magento's standard table and with basic commands which are very specific to the Magento environment. The icecat extension does not deal with the standard tables/commands in particular during installation. Considering the extention has been installed by using the steps written in the readme several times without any issues so far, it looks like something is not right in the Magento environment itself. Perhaps, installing the extention on the fresh working Magneto environment might give more insights to the problem.

  • Hi Wouter
    Got it to install fine, it was a database issue where i needed to update table sequencing.
    many thanks for responding, now just need to get the content into the system.

  • What happend, if any produt in icecat don't have GTIN
    is there any possiablity to get the data by SKU

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