
Open Icecat Fair Use Policy

A user of Open Icecat will conform to this Open Icecat Fair Use Policy and do its best to avoid to harm Icecat’s goodwill, business reputation, and operations.

As Open Icecat and its sponsors are providing you as a user with a large quantity of free product data, it is in your interest to fulfil the following requirements of the Icecat Fair Use Policy:
• be fully compliant to the Open Content License Agreement
• include explicitly the Open Icecat “AS IS” disclaimer
• inform your company’s merchant contacts (at distributors, resellers, or etailers), and other relevant business contacts, that you are making use of Open Icecat and that you want them to make free use of Open Icecat as well
• inform your organization’s manufacturer contacts that you kindly request or require them to provide their product data to Open Icecat and contact Icecat

Further, the fair use of Icecat information includes the complete avoidance of:

  • spamming
  • ripping
  • intellectual-property violations
  • forging of message headers to mask the originator
  • privacy violations
  • illegal or unauthorized access to other computers or networks
  • distribution of internet viruses, worms, trojan horses, or other destructive software
  • facilitating a violation of this fair use policy
  • other illegal activities
  • engaging in other activities, whether lawful or unlawful, that Icecat determines to be harmful to its subscribers, operations, reputation, goodwill, or customer relations
  • excessive downloading, i.e., more than 1 million data-sheet downloads per month for a single country/language repository. Icecat can decide to apply an excessive use charge of 0.30 Euro per 1000 downloads in excess of 1 million downloads per month.


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