
A symphony in Open AI: can it be used to chat with Icecat clients?

To evaluate Open AI for our business, I couldn’t resist to play around with as well. The limitations of the current version became quickly apparent. It produces some minor language mistakes related to spelling, plural versus singular and the possessive form. Furthermore, it has no data after 2021, and has troubles with interpreting cutting-edge topics and scientific relationships. Open AI ChatGPT (Jan 9, 2023) is like a junior professional, with quite OK writing, search and translation engine skills. And like many juniors, you can’t expect perfection.

So, let’s test the junior skills of Open AI’s Chat for our domain and its training capabilities!

Open Icecat?

ChatGPT: “Icecat is a free product catalog and e-commerce platform that is open source. It provides product information and specifications for thousands of products from various manufacturers and retailers. The platform is designed to be used by online retailers, marketplaces, and comparison shopping websites to enhance their product offerings and improve the shopping experience for their customers. Icecat’s data is crowd-sourced and contributed by users, and it is available to be used free of charge.”

I wouldn’t call Open Icecat itself an “e-commerce platform”, as it is just the open catalog and related syndication options. On the other hand, Icecat department Iceshop provides an e-business suite. “Crowd-sourced” also doesn’t feel very accurate, unless it covers employees of brand owners.

After feedback a second run:

“Open Icecat is a free and open product catalog that provides detailed product information, including technical specifications, images, and user manuals, for more than 14 million products from thousands of brands. It is intended to be used by companies and individuals who need to include this type of information on their websites or in their software applications. The catalog is available in multiple languages and can be integrated with a variety of e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and other software.”

A very good answer now! But, it doesn’t imply that ChatGPT is learning. It turns out that only during a chat, ChatGPT is picking up some context and adapting. In a new chat session this knowledge is lost.

What is Open Icecat?

ChatGPT: “Open Icecat is a free and open-source version of the Icecat product catalog and e-commerce platform. It provides access to a large database of product information and specifications from various manufacturers and retailers, which can be used by online retailers, marketplaces, and comparison shopping websites to enhance their product offerings and improve the shopping experience for their customers. Open Icecat is designed to be easy to use and integrate into existing systems and can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual users. It is a community-driven project, with data contributed by users and available to be used free of charge.”

ChatGPT is case-sensitive when a term in the middle of a sentence. The answer is slightly better as it focuses now just on “Open Icecat” and less on Icecat in general. Calling it a “community-driven project” is better than using the term “crowd-sourced”. My main issue is that it still talks about an e-commerce platform. Although not totally wrong as the data is typically for e-commerce platforms.

After feedback, ChatGPT is upping its game:
“Open Icecat is a free product catalog of over 14 million product data-sheets from thousands of brands, provided by Icecat. It is designed to provide product information to companies and individuals that need to include detailed product information on their websites or in their software applications. The catalog includes product data-sheets, images, and other related information such as technical specifications, user manuals, and certifications. It is available in multiple languages and can be integrated into various e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and other software applications.”

This answer is just perfect! But, again, only during the same chat session, such improvements are seen.

Is Icecat a PIM?

ChatGPT: “Icecat can be considered a Product Information Management (PIM) system. PIM systems are used to centralize and manage product information, such as descriptions, specifications, and images, across multiple channels and platforms. Icecat provides a central repository of product information that can be used by online retailers, marketplaces, and comparison shopping websites to enhance their product offerings and improve the shopping experience for their customers. In addition to providing product information, it also allows to enrich and distribute it to different channels. So it can be used as a Product Information Management tool.”

This answer is perfect!

What PIMs are connected to Icecat?

ChatGPT: “Icecat is a PIM system that can be connected to other PIM systems, such as eCommerce platforms, Content Management Systems (CMS), and Product Information Systems (PIS). These connections allow retailers to easily import product information from Icecat into their own systems and use it to enhance their product offerings and improve the shopping experience for their customers. The exact list of PIMs that are connected to Icecat depends on the specific implementation and integration needs of the user. Some of the popular eCommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, and OpenCart can be connected to Icecat. Also, it can be connected to popular CMSs such as WordPress, and PIMs like Pimcore, Akeneo and many more.”

A pretty good answer actually. Although CHatGPT mentions only open source PIMs and CMSs as examples. This might point to the creators of ChatGPT minimizing producing commercial advertorials. If I answer the question myself, I would refer to the content of the list of known add-ons to Icecat.

One can note a spelling consistency issue: in one text ChatGPT writes “eCommerce” and in the other “e-commerce”.

Further in the conversation:

Icecat has a variety of partners that have integrated their Product Information Management (PIM) systems with the Icecat catalog. Some examples of PIM systems that are connected to Icecat include:

  • Akeneo
  • Pimcore
  • InRiver
  • SAP Hybris
  • Informatica MDM
  • Stibo Systems
  • Riversand
  • Informatica Cloud
  • UniteU Technologies

This is not an exhaustive list and other PIM systems may also be connected to Icecat. The specific PIM systems that are connected to Icecat may change over time, so it is best to check with Icecat or the PIM provider to confirm their current integration status.

Chapeau! Although I am not familiar with UniteU. I had to Google it and saw it is an ecommerce suite. I couldn’t find any page about a UniteU connector to Icecat, and I am still doubtful if it should be in this list.

Is Icecat an ecommerce platform?

ChatGPT: “Icecat is not an ecommerce platform, it is a product catalog and e-commerce solution. It provides a central repository of product information and specifications from various manufacturers and retailers which can be used to enhance the product offerings and improve the shopping experience for customers on ecommerce websites. Icecat can be integrated with various ecommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, Opencart, etc. to enrich the product information, distribute it to different channels, and make it available to shoppers. However, it does not provide the features and functionality of an ecommerce platform like payment processing, order management, shipping, and taxes.”

Wow, what a good answer! When confronting ChatGPT with a question focusing on its own mistake earlier, it is pretty good in correcting it. When I feed it with a third spelling variant of ecommerce it inconsistently mixes it with its own spelling variant. The term “e-commerce solution” is here not wrong because Icecat is a solution for e-commerce businesses and platforms.

Is the Icecat integration with Pimcore or Akeneo preferred?

ChatGPT: “Icecat can be integrated with various PIM systems such as Pimcore and Akeneo to enrich product information and distribute it to different channels. The preferred integration method between Icecat and Pimcore or Akeneo depends on the specific needs of the user and the requirements of the project.

Both Pimcore and Akeneo are powerful and popular PIM systems that offer a wide range of features and functionalities. Pimcore has a strong focus on digital asset management and multi-channel publishing, which makes it a good fit for organizations with a large number of product images and videos. Akeneo, on the other hand, is known for its user-friendly interface and ease of use, which makes it a good option for organizations with a smaller number of products or less complex product information.

Icecat provides a wide range of data, which can be easily integrated with Pimcore and Akeneo. Icecat can be integrated to import the product information and automatically update it on regular basis. The integration can be done through API, connectors and plugins.

In conclusion, it is advisable to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of the project before deciding on the preferred integration method between Icecat and Pimcore or Akeneo.”

Great piece of advise. Nevertheless, our team points out that we have a very advanced Pimcore integration, which itself is also open source. Further, our team thinks that Pimcore is the best open source PIM option in the market although a snapshot opinion.

Can you give me an offer for Nike DQ8053-010?

ChatGPT: “I am sorry, I am an AI model, I am not able to give you an offer for a specific product like the Nike DQ8053-010. I can provide you with information about the product. The Nike DQ8053-010 is a model of a men’s t-shirt. The product information such as description, images, technical specifications and available sizes would be available on the Icecat catalog. As an AI model, I do not have access to real-time pricing and availability of the product. I suggest you to check with the official Nike website or authorized retailers for the product’s pricing and availability.”

We regularly get such questions from buyers or consumers as they confuse product information with offering products. The ChatGPT answer is very decent and also points to the Icecat catalog for specifications. It probably understands from the whole dialogue that an association with Icecat is safe to assume.

What can you tell me about Free Vendor Central?

ChatGPT: “Free Vendor Central is a service offered by Icecat that allows vendors to manage and distribute their product information for free. It is a web-based platform that enables vendors to upload and maintain their product data-sheets, images, and other related information such as technical specifications, user manuals, and certifications. The information is then made available to Icecat’s network of customers, which includes e-commerce platforms, retailers, software vendors, and other businesses that need detailed product information.

Free Vendor Central aims to help vendors to increase their online visibility and improve the accuracy of their product information across the web. This can help them to reach more customers and increase sales. The vendors can also access analytics on how their product data-sheets are used and viewed on Icecat, which can help them to understand their customer’s needs and preferences.

It is important to note that, although the service is called “Free Vendor Central”, some vendors may be charged for additional services such as data-sheet translation or for using certain features like dynamic data-sheets. Additionally, there may be other terms and conditions that vendors need to follow to use the service.

A pretty accurate answer although I don’t quite grasp the term “dynamic data-sheets” in this context.

Is Free Vendor Central a PIM?

ChatGPT: “Free Vendor Central is a service offered by Icecat that allows vendors to manage and distribute their product information, but it is not a Product Information Management (PIM) system. A PIM is a software application that helps businesses manage and distribute product information across different channels and platforms. It is a central repository where product information is stored, managed, and enriched, and then distributed to different systems and channels, such as e-commerce platforms, print catalogs, and mobile apps.

Free Vendor Central is more focused on providing a platform for vendors to upload and maintain their product information, which is then made available to Icecat’s network of customers. It does not have all the functionalities and features of a complete PIM system, such as product data governance, data quality management, and multi-language support, but it allows vendors to share the information they want, keeping control of it.

While a PIM system offers a more advanced and complete solution for managing and distributing product information, Free Vendor Central can be a good option for vendors who are looking for a cost-effective solution to share their product information and improve their online visibility.

This answer is not correct. Free Vendor Central is a PIM as well. The only limitation is that it is bound to Icecat’s taxonomy. Other client taxonomies have to be mapped to Icecat’s before they can be used.

Free Vendor Central and Syndy are both services offered by Icecat, but they have different focus and features.

Free Vendor Central is a service that allows vendors to manage and distribute their product information for free. It is a web-based platform that enables vendors to upload and maintain their product data-sheets, images, and other related information such as technical specifications, user manuals, and certifications. This information is then made available to Icecat’s network of customers, including e-commerce platforms, retailers, software vendors, and other businesses that need detailed product information.

Syndy, on the other hand, is a paid service that offers a more advanced solution for managing and distributing product information. It is a cloud-based Product Information Management (PIM) system that provides vendors with a central repository for managing and enriching their product information. It includes features such as product data governance, data quality management, and multi-language support. Syndy also offers advanced features such as data mapping, data validation and the ability to distribute product information to a variety of channels and platforms.

In summary, Free Vendor Central is a free service that allows vendors to share their product information, while Syndy is a paid PIM service that provides vendors with a more advanced solution for managing and distributing product information.

What is the difference between Free Vendor Central and Syndy?

ChatGPT: “Free Vendor Central and Syndy are both services offered by Icecat, but they have different focus and features.

Free Vendor Central is a service that allows vendors to manage and distribute their product information for free. It is a web-based platform that enables vendors to upload and maintain their product data-sheets, images, and other related information such as technical specifications, user manuals, and certifications. This information is then made available to Icecat’s network of customers, including e-commerce platforms, retailers, software vendors, and other businesses that need detailed product information.

Syndy, on the other hand, is a paid service that offers a more advanced solution for managing and distributing product information. It is a cloud-based Product Information Management (PIM) system that provides vendors with a central repository for managing and enriching their product information. It includes features such as product data governance, data quality management, and multi-language support. Syndy also offers advanced features such as data mapping, data validation and the ability to distribute product information to a variety of channels and platforms.

In summary, Free Vendor Central is a free service that allows vendors to share their product information, while Syndy is a paid PIM service that provides vendors with a more advanced solution for managing and distributing product information.

It’s not a bad answer. It captures one clear distinction, but misses again the other. Namely that Free Vendor Central has Icecat’s taxonomy pre-defined.

What differentiates Icepim from Syndy?

Icepim and Syndy are both Product Information Management (PIM) systems offered by Icecat, but they have different features and functionalities.

Icepim is a cloud-based PIM system that allows vendors to manage and distribute their product information. It provides a central repository for managing and enriching product information, including features such as data governance, data quality management, and multi-language support. Icepim also offers advanced features such as data mapping, data validation, and the ability to distribute product information to a variety of channels and platforms.

Syndy, on the other hand, is also a cloud-based PIM system that offers similar functionalities as Icepim but it also provides additional features such as automated data collection and data enhancement, which can help vendors to improve the accuracy and completeness of their product information. It also provides a more advanced data analytics and reporting capabilities that can help vendors to understand the performance of their product data across the web.

In summary, both Icepim and Syndy are PIM systems that provide vendors with a central repository for managing and distributing product information, but Syndy offers additional features such as automated data collection and data enhancement, advanced data analytics and reporting capabilities.

A difficult question that would keep the experts busy. The answer is not bad. It captures a key feature of Syndy that it is providing an environment for vendors to enhance its content. We would focus more on the differentiation of (Iceshop’s) Icepim as a merchant product data exchange and Syndy as a corporate PIM with retailer template support.

What is Icecat’s Hexagon?

ChatGPT: “Icecat’s Hexagon is a technology platform that allows businesses to access, manage, and distribute product information. It is a cloud-based solution that provides a central repository for managing and enriching product information, and then distributing it to various channels and platforms such as e-commerce, print catalogs, and mobile apps.

The Hexagon platform includes a variety of features and functionalities such as data governance, data quality management, and multi-language support. It also includes advanced features such as data mapping, data validation, and the ability to distribute product information to a variety of channels and platforms, as well as a range of integrations with e-commerce and other platforms. Additionally, it offers advanced data analytics and reporting capabilities to help businesses understand the performance of their product data across the web.

Hexagon is designed to be flexible and customizable, it can be tailored to the specific needs of the business, allowing them to focus on their core business while leaving the management and distribution of product information to Icecat. With Hexagon, businesses can improve the accuracy and completeness of their product information, increase their online visibility and increase sales.

A good answer. ChatGPT captures well that Hexagon is more a technology platform in the product information management space than a PIM.

Can ChatGPT be used to answer the questions of Icecat clients?

ChatGPT: “Yes, ChatGPT, which is a large language model, can be used to answer the questions of Icecat clients. The model is capable of answering a wide range of questions and providing information on various topics, including product information, pricing, and availability. However, it’s important to note that the information provided by the model is based on its training data, which has a certain knowledge cutoff. Therefore, the model’s answers may not always be up-to-date or accurate, and it’s recommendable to check the information with official sources.

Using GPT-based models like ChatGPT to answer clients’ questions can be a valuable tool for Icecat clients, as it allows them to quickly and easily access information and answer customer queries 24/7. Additionally, it can also be used to automate repetitive tasks such as product data entry, reducing the need for manual input and increasing efficiency.”

I more or less agree with this conclusion about its own usefulness. We need more testing and make sure that we feed it with more training data and probably our own version of the framework. Definitely a good tool for experimentation and try to understand how to train ChatGPT.

The usefulness for automated editorial copy writing is not optimal. Too often ChatGPT uses the passive voice and complex, long sentences. This in addition to some spelling inconsistencies, the absence of relevant links and the need for expert corrections. However, the training capabilities are quite amazing.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

Martijn Hoogeveen

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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