
NEW: more user-friendly Icecat LIVE version update

In July 2018, Icecat introduced the new Icecat LIVE look and feel.  Icecat users were asked to check their implementation settings and make the necessary changes to switch to the new Icecat LIVE.

Until now, the old Icecat LIVE look and feel was still available. However, from the 13th of November, the old look and feel is phased out: users who will make a call to the previous version of Icecat LIVE will automatically get the new look and feel as well.

Visual impression new Icecat Live look & feel

Below you can see an example of the new Icecat LIVE look and feel:

Recommendation: update your Icecat Live call

For reasons of maintainability, we recommend you to check – and if necessary – update your scripts to formally call the new Icecat LIVE look and feel.

Script in the old version call:

< script src = “” ></ script >

Script in the new version call:

< script src = “” ></ script >

Other code that might need check and revision:

Review Call using Brand + Brand Product Code

< html >
< head ></ head >< body >
< div id = “Test” ></ div >
< script >
window.addEventListener(‘liveload’, function() {
IcecatLive.getDatasheet(“#Test”, {
Brand: {Brand name},
PartCode: {Brand Product Code},
‘UserName’: {Your Icecat Username},
}, ‘en’);
</ script >
< script src = “” ></ script >
</ body >
</ html >

Review Call using GTIN (EAN, UPC)

< html >
< head ></ head >< body >
< div id = “Test” ></ div >
< script >
window.addEventListener(‘liveload’, function() {
IcecatLive.getDatasheet(“#Test”, {
‘GTIN’: {Product GTIN},
‘UserName’: {Your Icecat Username},
}, ‘en’);
</ script >
< script src = “” ></ script >
</ body >
</ html >

Review Call using Icecat Product ID

< html >
< head ></ head >< body >
< div id = “Test” ></ div >
< script >
window.addEventListener(‘liveload’, function() {
IcecatLive.getDatasheet(“#Test”, {
‘IcecatProductId’: {Icecat Product ID},
‘UserName’: {Your Icecat Username},
}, ‘en’);
</ script >
< script src = “” ></ script >
</ body >
</ html >

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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