Categories: Icecat

Motorola Joins Open Icecat to Enhance Product Visibility

Motorola, a global leader in technology and innovation, partners with Icecat. Renowned for its iconic devices and pioneering spirit, Motorola has consistently pushed the boundaries of mobile technology. By joining forces with Icecat, the company aims to further strengthen its market position by optimizing product data management and improving product visibility. Which consequently leads to enhanced customer experience and streamlined operations.

The Advantages of Open Icecat Sponsorship

This strategic move grants Motorola access to Icecat’s vast network of retailers, ensuring that accurate and up-to-date product information, including high-quality images, detailed specifications, and compelling marketing content, is readily available to retailers and consumers across multiple sales channels. Additionally, Motorola content is available in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, and Sweden.

Benefits for Motorola and Its Resellers

  • Expanded Product Reach: Motorola’s products will gain wider exposure through Icecat’s extensive network of retailers and distributors.
  • Enhanced Product Information: Rich product content will improve the online shopping experience and drive sales.
  • Streamlined Content Management: Efficiently distribute product information across various channels.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Accurate and up-to-date product data fosters trust and loyalty.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Products are instantly available in the catalog upon launch, allowing for immediate visibility and faster sales opportunities.

How to Access Motorola’s Product Content

Motorola invites its resellers to leverage the free product content available through the Icecat catalog. Access detailed product information, including specifications, images, and marketing materials, in various formats. Seamlessly integrate this rich content into your e-commerce platform using our pre-built connectors for Shopify, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Magento, and more.

Existing Icecat Users: Simply log in to your Icecat account and access Motorola’s product content within the catalog.

New Icecat Users: Register for a free Icecat account to access Motorola’s product information and the vast library of content from other brands.

Martijn Zey

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