
Innex Joins as an Open Icecat Sponsor

We are excited to announce that Innex FunTech Innovation, a forward-thinking company at the intersection of vision and technology, has officially become an Open Icecat Sponsor. This collaboration marks a significant step forward for both Innex and its network of partners, highlighting their commitment to leveraging the power of structured product content. Ultimately resulting in enhanced online presence and success in the digital landscape.

By becoming a sponsor, Innex gains access to Icecat’s open data platform. This enables them to distribute their product content efficiently and effectively to their partner’s network. Structured product content plays a crucial role in providing customers with accurate and up-to-date information, ultimately enhancing the overall shopping experience and driving sales. Additionally through this sponsorship, Innex reaffirms its commitment to delivering value to its customers and partners, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.

“We have chosen Icecat as our preferred tool for distributors and resellers because it is proven to be reliable, effective, and beneficial for our channel. The comprehensive and concise product information provided by Icecat significantly streamlines the processes for our resellers. As a manufacturer, managing multilingual product descriptions for our European customers becomes effortless with Icecat’s support. Working with the Icecat support team is efficient, prompt, and direct. Collaborating with their team is both seamless and comfortable for us.”

George Chen, General Manager at Fun Technology Innovation EMEA

About Innex

Innex FunTech Innovation stands at the forefront of innovation, offering cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. Focusing on merging vision with technology, they provide various innovative products and services spanning advanced software and hardware solutions. 

At the heart of their offerings is the Innex Cube. A remarkable product line that includes various conference cameras tailored to different use cases. Innex is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology to enable organizations to unlock new opportunities and achieve unprecedented growth and success.

Benefits for Innex Resellers

The partnership with Icecat opens up a world of benefits for Innex’s resellers. By gaining access to Icecat’s product content management solution, resellers can effortlessly enhance their online product positioning and promotion. Icecat provides structured content, including detailed product specifications, marketing texts, images, and more. This allows resellers to boost their online presence and better engage with their target audience.

Resellers are invited to download the structured content from the Icecat catalog, which is available in various formats such as XML, JSON, CSV, or JavaScript. Additionally, Icecat offers standard connectors for popular e-commerce platforms, streamlining the integration process and ensuring a seamless experience for resellers.

How to Access Innex’s Product Content

For existing Icecat users, accessing Innex’s product content is simple. Log in to your Icecat account to immediately access the structured content in the catalog. 

If you’re new to Icecat, you can register as a new user or contact our team directly for assistance.

Filip van Ryn

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