Categories: Icecat

Iceshop 2024.3 and 2024.4 Sprint Reports

During the March and April sprints, our primary emphasis was on advancing our ongoing project: the migration to Icepim’s new User Interface but we also made some improvements to our connectors:

Enhancements in Product Management:

  • We have added a source of import at the product warehouse level, allowing for the manual creation or import of products. When expanding the product warehouses section in the product overview, you will see the import name for products created via import. For products created by a user, older products will display ‘Manually,’ while new products will show the username.
  • Added Unused and All Brands exports.
  • Added “Manually enriched” to product edit and product overview filters. Now, when you check the Content filter in post-filters, it will also include manually enriched products. To manually enrich a product, you need to check the checkbox in the product edit. Additionally, you can utilize a new content filter in the product overview.
  • Started creating a new CSV content import type for existing products: descriptions, bullet points, image URLs, EAN codes. Customers will be able to upload (and lock) content in bulk.
  • Added locks for CSV content import: functionality to overwrite or not overwrite previously locked fields.
  • Removed #Delete brand conversions from Icepim (for new PIMs).
  • The batch delete issue when products have no category bug was solved.
  • Default export value when a product field is an empty bug was solved.
  • Fixed tab index on Save product in product edit.
  • Labels in Icepim were improved.
  • Export CSV settings were cleaned from unused fields.
  • Added warning for saving attributes without translations

Updates on Icepim Manual and User Interface:

  • Icepim manual redirects to the Customer portal. We are soon to introduce the Customer portal, and the Icepim manual will be located there from now on.
  • Do not reset filters after moving products to a different category/adding products to a different category/change status was introduced for better UI.
  • Cleanup Import CSV settings: Hid unused fields.
  • Fixed Download file to local PC | “File is not secure” browser warning.
  • Shops are renamed to Channels in Icepim.
  • Fixed display issues in the Pricing tab in product edit.

Icepim new UX project:

Mockups and designs are ongoing along with technical architecture efforts.

Icecat connectors:

Magento: Added extra details in export logs for product information.

WooCommerce: Attribute Group Name in Different Product Types added.

Shopware: Added extra tags features in Shopware product export.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that our sprints typically last for three weeks. While a single sprint may suffice to complete some features, our team may need more than one sprint to extend certain developments. All our functionalities undergo thorough testing to ensure quality. Therefore, finishing a feature/ development in the sprint does not automatically result in immediate availability for our users. Rest assured, we will communicate with all our customers about the new release dates, provide release logs, and offer explanations on what features are inside and how they work via Iceshops’ blog and as well on Iceclog.


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