
Icecat Toys Team is Expanding

Icecat is the market leader in product content syndication for the online toy and entertainment industry. Icecat helps brands deliver product content to their retailers. Currently, more than 100 toy brands are working with Icecat. With a dedicated toy team, Icecat aims to provide the toy industry with the best e-commerce content solutions for easy product content exchange and the best online experience.

Icecat Strengthens Support for Toy Brands

Icecat’s commitment to serving its toy clients has been further strengthened by two new team members. The toys team at Icecat, alongside Rene Rozendal, Director of Toys and Entertainment, now includes Bertrand Thomas, Toys Sales Manager for France, and Rody de Vreden, Account Manager of Toys.

Icecat has developed a comprehensive data model specifically for toy brands. In this data model, all toy categories are clearly defined, including specifications and values associated with them. Currently, the data model supports over 70 languages and continues to expand.

Meet The Icecat Toys Team

“With a good base of brands and retail customers in the toys industry, I am looking forward to further expanding the network of clients and celebrating new partnerships worldwide.”

Rody de Vreden, Account Manager Toys,

“With dedication and enthusiasm, I look forward to cooperating with our current and potential clients in France, thriving together in the e-commerce industry. Let this online journey begin!”

Bertrand Thomas, Sales Manager Toys for France region

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