
Icecat Release Notes 194: Innovations in Product Management and Workflow Automation

Welcome to Icecat Release Notes 194, where we highlight the latest advancements in our platform to enhance product management, content workflow, and automation processes. This edition introduces several new features and improvements designed to streamline content management, empower users with efficient tools, and optimize workflow automation. From image cropping services to scheduled report interfaces, let’s explore the key highlights of this release. For additional details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Introducing Image Cropping Service

In our latest sprint, we are thrilled to announce the release of one of the most highly requested features: the image cropping service. This service includes automatic cropping and allows manual case adjustments to refine the result.

Accessible via the gallery image pop-up under the “Edit email” icon, this functionality aims to streamline the process of refining images for optimal display. Upon clicking the button, the automatic cropping service is initiated, presenting users with a preview of the automatically cropped image. In this preview, the object is centered within the image, with a white border surrounding it, constituting 5% of the distance between the object and the edge of the image. Should the user be satisfied with the automatic cropping result, they can simply click “Save changes” to apply the cropping. Conversely, the option to revert changes is available by clicking “Cancel changes.”

If automatic cropping provides an undesirable result (which occurs in approximately 4% of cases, based on our preliminary tests), users can manually correct the cropping. By selecting “Crop manually,” users are navigated to the “Manual crop” window, where they can define the cropping frame. This frame consists of two components: an orange frame, indicating the recommended border of the image, and a blue frame, automatically set to 5% from the object to the edge of the image. Users can then apply their adjustments using the “Save changes” button or revert them using “Cancel changes.”

Our partners can expect to receive both the original uncropped images and the cropped images in the export files. The partners requiring the original images can utilize the <Original> tag for processing, while partners in need of the cropped images can utilize various other image options available in the export files, including high-resolution images (<Pic>), images with a resolution of 500 x 500 (<Pic500x500>), low-resolution images (<LowPic>), and thumbnail images (<ThumbPic>).

The primary goal of this development initiative is to provide our partners with standardized images that offer a flawless viewing experience on their websites. By ensuring that products are displayed accurately and attractively, we aim to enhance the overall visual appeal and user experience for our partners’ customers.

Streamlining Content Management

In our latest sprint, we’re excited to announce the rollout of a highly requested functionality for Icecat editors who utilize the Import tool: the ability to delete specific technical specifications values using a simple command—”###REMOVE###”—within the uploaded file. This enhancement offers editors greater flexibility and efficiency in managing product data sheets. Here’s how it works:

  1. Exporting the File: The user begins by exporting the file from the “Export tool” and then inserts the “###REMOVE###” command in cells where they wish to delete the feature values.
  2. Navigating to the Import Tool: With the prepared file in hand, the user navigates to the “Import tool” and uploads the file containing the designated deletion commands.
  3. Selecting the Policy: Upon uploading the file, the user selects the desired policy—”Overwrite all values + remove values”—from the available options.
  4. Running the Import: With the policy selected, the user initiates the import process by clicking “Run import.” The system then processes the uploaded file, executing the deletion commands specified by the “###REMOVE###” directive.

Result: After the file processing is complete, the specified values are seamlessly removed from the product data-sheet, streamlining the content management process.

This functionality isn’t limited solely to technical specifications values; it’s also available for “Reasons to buy,” offering editors a comprehensive solution for content management tasks.

By empowering Icecat editors with the ability to delete specific values effortlessly, we aim to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of content management within the platform. Whether it’s updating product information, refining data sheets, or enhancing the quality of content, this feature equips editors with the tools they need to excel in their roles.

Introducing the New Scheduled Report Interface

In our latest sprint, we are thrilled to unveil a significant enhancement to Icecat PIM: the new Scheduled Report interface. With this development we are providing to users a more reliable and efficient reporting experience, powered by an enhanced reporting engine.

Accessible within Icecat PIM under the “Statistics” > “Downloads” menu, the new Scheduled Report interface offers users an enhanced and intuitive platform for managing their data insights. The new reporting engine contains two key pages: “Create report” and “Scheduled report”. The second page empowers users to generate and manage scheduled reports effortlessly.

The “Create report” page serves as the command center, allowing users to generate one-time statistics reports or set them to recur at scheduled intervals. Whether it’s a one-time report or a scheduled report, users have the flexibility to manage their reporting preferences to suit their needs.

The “Scheduled report” page provides users with a comprehensive overview of all their scheduled reports. Here, users can easily review the report details such as the report author, and the aim of each report— the features that were absent in our previous interface.

Additionally, we’ve introduced a convenient delete button within the reports list, enabling users to swiftly remove unwanted reports without the need to navigate to the settings of each report individually. This streamlines the management process, saving users valuable time and effort.

While the new interface boasts several enhancements, we’re not stopping there. Our team is diligently working on developing filters that will allow users to search for specific reports by name, recipients, or author, further simplifying the process of report management and enhancing overall usability.

Other Improvements in Icecat Release Notes 194:

Product Page Development

In our current process of product page transitioning to server-side rendering, we’ve developed several key features:

  • Additional Tabs: We’ve expanded our product pages with the remaining tabs including “Similar,” “Recommended,” and “Service”.
  • User Reporting Functionality: We’ve integrated a functionality that enables users to report any discrepancies in product data-sheet descriptions.

Channel Partners Auto-Assignment

Our efforts to automate channel partner assignments have progressed significantly:

  • API Development: We’ve been diligently working on developing the API responsible for automating the channel partner assignment process. This API will streamline the assignment process, improving efficiency and reducing manual workload.
  • User Interface Preparation: We’ve prepared the necessary user interfaces for the upcoming release of this functionality. These interfaces will empower users to manage channel partner assignments seamlessly, further enhancing our platform’s usability.

Multimedia Objects REST Enhancement

We’ve made enhancements to our REST API responsible for multimedia objects:

  • Public Access Parameter: Our REST API can now receive a “PublicAccess” parameter from our PET team, allowing us to designate certain multimedia objects as accessible assets within Full Icecat products. This development enables efficient management of product stories creation and ensures accessibility in compliance with licensing agreements.

Product Merging and Mapping

We’ve completed the development of product mapping and merging capabilities:

  • Merge and Mapping of GTINs: Users now have the ability to map one product to another, resulting in the merging of product data. Additionally, GTINs from the mapped product are seamlessly integrated into the target product, enhancing data accuracy and consistency.

Overall, these accomplishments represent our commitment to innovation, user-centric design, and process optimization. As we continue to iterate and evolve, we remain dedicated to delivering solutions that empower our users and drive success across our platform.

Olena Vasylynenko

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