
Icecat Release Notes 181-182: PIM Search Beta Version and Category Taxonomy File Upgrade

In Icecat Release Notes 181-182, we unveil the beta version of the Vendor Central search page, make multiple improvements on the website, and roll out other significant advancements. For further details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Beta Version of Vendor Central Search Page

We are thrilled to announce the latest milestone in our continuous journey of improvement and innovation. Our team has been hard at work, and we are excited to deliver the first increment of our Vendor Central search page beta version. While this page is currently accessible to a select group of users for testing, it represents a significant leap forward in optimizing the search and filtering experience.

Our new Vendor Central search page beta version is far more than just a basic search tool. It has been meticulously crafted to cater to the diverse and evolving needs of our Vendor Central users. One of the standout features we’ve incorporated is the highly sought-after “Column display” functionality. This feature empowers users to customize their search results by selecting only the columns that are relevant to their specific needs. Recognizing that different user types have unique requirements, this customization ensures a tailored experience.

Additionally, we understand that efficient data processing hinges on user-friendly viewing options. With this in mind, we’ve introduced the “XX products per page” feature. Now, users have the ability to predefine the number of results displayed per page, choosing from options like 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. This feature simplifies the process of navigating through product lists, providing a comfortable and efficient means of scanning through the entirety of search results.

As we continue this iterative process, we remain dedicated to enhancing the functionality and usability of our Vendor Central Search page. Feedback from our select group of testers is invaluable in refining this essential tool. Multiple Improvements

We’re excited to share that we have recently made several significant enhancements to our website, all aimed at optimizing performance, user-friendliness, and security. Let’s take a closer look at these improvements.

Dynamic SEO Management:

Our commitment to keeping up with the ever-evolving SEO landscape has led us to introduce dynamic tokens for our pages. This update is a game-changer for our SEO specialists, as it allows for swift and precise adjustments to crucial elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, and document titles.

The incorporation of dynamic tokens provides our SEO specialists with the capability to more effectively adapt to the evolving requirements of search engine algorithms and user preferences. This adaptability ensures that our web pages consistently maintain their visibility and attractiveness to users.

Within the realm of e-commerce, brand names, and part codes are in a state of perpetual evolution. Dynamic tokens are specifically designed to accommodate this constant evolution, making certain that our content remains relevant and up-to-date.

Cleaned Up Code:

Tidying up our digital house was a priority, and we have removed outdated code from This housekeeping effort not only enhances the overall performance of the platform but also contributes to better SEO rankings. By streamlining the website code, we’ve made faster and more responsive, providing users with a smoother browsing experience.

Enhanced Anchor Text:

We addressed a non-descriptive anchor text issue by replacing the word “Start” with a more intuitive “Main page” icon. This change not only improves the user experience but also enhances SEO optimization by providing search engines with clearer navigation signals.

Updated Social Media Icons:

Our commitment to providing up-to-date information extends to our social media icons. We’ve given special attention to the Twitter (X) icon to ensure that our users have access to the latest news and updates.

Enhanced Security:

To protect our users’ data, we’ve removed query parameters from the product pages and the contact page. This security enhancement ensures that our website is resilient against potential security risks, safeguarding user information.

These multiple improvements to demonstrate our commitment to providing a top-tier online experience for our users. We’re confident that these enhancements will significantly benefit our users, ensuring a smoother, safer, and more informative experience.

Category Taxonomy File Update

In our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible user experience, we’re excited to announce an enhancement to our category taxonomy files. has now updated these files to include an additional column called the “Category Feature Group ID.” This improvement simplifies and optimizes the synchronization process between category taxonomy files and XML and JSON files, ultimately leading to more precise and organized product data.

This enhancement simplifies the task of maintaining and updating product data, making it easier for users to work with the information they need.

To take advantage of these improvements, you can access the updated category taxonomy files on any product page by clicking on “Download the Icecat taxonomy for <category>.”

Other Improvements in Icecat Release Notes 181-182:

  • Mobile-Friendly Brand Registration.
    We’re thrilled to introduce a mobile version of our Brand Registration page, ensuring that our users can easily access and utilize our services on the go. Additionally, we improved the registration page flow by opening the “Registration terms” in a new tab. This change simplifies the registration process for users and provides a more seamless experience.
  • UK Energy Label Integration.
    Editors now have a hassle-free way to upload UK Energy Label certificates to multiple products with just a few clicks. It’s all about streamlining the process for our users.
  • Cassandra Migration.
    We’ve successfully completed the migration from Cassandra v2 to v4, ensuring improved data management and system efficiency.
  • Performance and Stability.
    Our commitment to providing a reliable platform is unwavering. We’ve made significant improvements in system performance and stability through simple yet effective system settings management.

Keep an eye out for further updates as we persist in our quest to innovate and enhance your Icecat experience. We highly value your feedback and support, as they are instrumental in propelling these improvements. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us at or through our contact page.

Olena Vasylynenko

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