
Icecat Release Notes 170-171: YouTube video player in Icecat Live, Partner invitation by Brand, and new Copy Product functionality

In Icecat Release Notes 170-171, we would like to present the YouTube video player for YouTube videos in Icecat Live. Furthermore, we highlight the release of the Partner invitation by the Brand. Finally, we present the preliminary results of the new Copy Product functionality development in Vendor Central. For more information, kindly refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

YouTube video player for YouTube videos in Icecat Live

We are glad to inform you that now you are able to watch product videos hosted on YouTube directly in Icecat Live. Now YouTube videos can be played directly on the product page inside Icecat Live. Users will be able to enjoy a seamless viewing experience without being redirected to another platform. 

Partner invitation by Brand

We are happy to announce that the Partner invitation by Brand is now live! This new feature allows brands within the PIM (Product Information Management system) to invite their partners to use their product data via Icecat. The invited partners will receive the invitation emails. Upon acceptance of an invitation, partners will be automatically assigned to the brand.

With the launch of this feature, registered Icecat users will be redirected to the login page after clicking the invitation link. After logging in, the user will be assigned to the inviting brand. For new Icecat users, the invitation link will redirect them to the registration page. After successful registration, the user will also be assigned to the inviting brand.

We are excited for our users to try out the Partner Invitation by Brand feature, and we welcome any feedback. As always, we will continue to improve and enhance our platform to serve our users better.

New Copy Product functionality

We are excited to announce that the team worked on a new Copy Product functionality in Icecat Vendor Central that will make product creation even easier. This functionality is available on the product page sidebar. It allows you to quickly and easily create a new product based on an existing one. If your master product has a lot in common with the product you are creating, this feature will save you time and effort by copying over all the relevant information.

Currently, the Copy Product functionality allows you to copy over the general information about the brand, multimedia objects like images, videos, and PDF files, as well as the release and EOL date of the product. In the upcoming sprints, we will add more assets that can be copied over. This is to make the process of creating a new product even more streamlined.

Olena Vasylynenko

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