
Icecat Release Notes 134: Update of Icecat LIVE, Product Gallery on S3, Brand Dashboard Extended with Most Popular Products

In these Icecat Release Notes 134, we will discuss a new performance update of Icecat LIVE. Further, we explain what is new on the Brand Dashboard and the change in S3 storage. Finally, we highlight the complete list of other changes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes 132-133.

Performance update of Icecat LIVE

This new release of the Icecat LIVE version is faster than the previous one. This performance roll-out is done gradually, i.e., locale by locale. Further, live requests got smarter as we added the option to request an asset either by GTIN or by the combination of Brand name + Brand Product Code in one single request. This smart request, minimizes the number of customer requests, and improves thus the performance of client scripts.

Brand Dashboard: Most Popular Products

New on the Brand Dashboard is a list of the most popular products of the respective brand. For every brand its most popular products in the Icecat catalog based on (tens of) thousands of requests is now visible. The ranking of the most popular products is based on the number of product data-sheet views and downloads by end-users and channel partners.

Product Gallery moved to S3 Storage

In this Icecat Release Notes 134, the product Gallery migration to new storage is completed. The migration to the S3 storage has multiple advantages. Firstly, it is faster. Secondly, the storage is bigger. Finally, the S3 storage is way more reliable.

The complete list of changes


  • General block: the owner element was not in our translation table.


  • Investigate the order of publication & visualization of images


  • As a user, I want to see the top products of the brand

Support request

  • Creating several accounts with a single email address on
  • “Other Features” block is not shown in the Specs block on the FO

Detailed Tasks:

  • Update Live Search Logic (3 params)
  • Fix conflicts in CSS Styles during integration of videos in Icecat Live
  • HP: Deactivate EN language checker for CarePacks and Computing categories (pt. 2)
  • HP: import of Dynamic Security disclaimer to Marketing Texts | Printing only (pt. 2)
  • Update DTD & XSD schemas for index files. Add Format attribute for EAN_UPC tag
  • Make Cassandra modification requests exception message more detail
  • Reporting: Product Story statistics reports
  • (PHP) Export of URLs feeds
  • Develop Console command to manage dictionary tokens
  • Migrate Gallery to S3
  • Rewrite LIVE service – step create a live manager for control service (pt. 2)
  • Remove legacy PERL index files logic

Anton Bondarenko

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