
Icecat Release Notes 128: Brand User Access to Sub-Brand Products, Importing Expert Reviews, and Translation General Block

In these Icecat Release Notes 128, we discuss the brand user access to the sub-brans products and the import of expert reviews for HP. Furthermore, we highlight the translation of the general block and the MGA entertainment statistic report. The previous release notes are available here: Icecat Release Notes 127.

Brand User Access to the Sub-Brands Products

In short, all brand users can now access all the products of sub-brands, and search, view, and edit them. Some manufacturers have a large number of sub-brands associated. This feature makes it easier to manage brand user authorizations. These authorizations don’t need to be set per sub-brand anymore, as they can be set once for the main brand plus all sub-brands jointly.

HP Reviews project – Import Expert Reviews

We have built a new import that transferred all the reviews HP branded products from Testseek to Icecat. Next, we mapped the reviews to the matching HP products and exported the enriched product data via Icecat’s standard XML API. Based on usage, we will roll-out the reviews to other standard APIs as well.

Translation General block

Within this task, we have made the General block of the Icecat Vendor Central multilingual.


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