
Icecat Release Notes 123: Set Image Type, Translated Featured Values, LIVE Faster, and New Default Video Thumbnail

In these Icecat Release Notes 123, we discuss the ability to set image type via UI, translated featured values. Furthermore, we highlight the new standard video thumbnail, improvements on LIVE scripts, and deprecated code for XML. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes 121 and 122.

Create ability to set the image type

Now, users can set the image type in the dropdown in the Gallery block in the Icecat PIM.

Example of fetting an image type to Product Image.

Feature values displayed conforming personal language setting

When a brand user goes to the product page and scrolls down to the specifications, the values will be translated to the brand user’s personal language setting.

New default video thumbnail

In certain cases, an Icecat thumbnail is added to a product video. We created a more neutral one. Now, the default thumbnail will look like this:

Improved loading speed of LIVE pages

We improved the javascript used to display product data on any Icecat LIVE page. Now, the elements on the page are shown to the customers faster. We are looking into further optimizations of the script loading speed.

Deprecated code for generating product XML removed

After the release of real-time XML, some parts of old functionality still remained in use for XML generation. We analyzed and removed deprecated code. The removal increased our system’s productivity and freed disk space.

Migration to Elastic 7.1 almost done

We have updated all major indexes to the Elastic 7.1 version on Perl and PHP. A few more to go in the next sprint.

Definitions overview report generation error fixed

We have received a few requests from Icecat users that they couldn’t generate a taxonomy definitions overview report. So, we fixed the issue.

Matching logical issue fixed

In some rare cases, when a user uses a very large file for auto-matching their product catalog, the daily feed import could be stuck. And, only a manual restart would finalize the matching process. We have fixed also this issue.


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