
Icecat Release Notes 116: Brand Authorization for all users, Reasons-to-Buy improvements, and simplified login

In these Icecat Release Notes 116, we discuss expanding brand authorization functionality and the updated calendar pop-up. Further, we highlight reasons-to-buy improvements and the simplified login on the Front Office page. You can find the previous Icecat Release Notes 115 here.

“Authorized Reseller of” available to Open Icecat users

In this release, we made the brand authorization request functionality – linked from “Authorized Reseller of” – available for not only Full Icecat users but also for Open Icecat users and Open Icecat brands. This functionality helps to maintain brand authorizations and request new ones. Why is the “Authorized reseller of” relation so important? It is a key ingredient of the digital rights management, which becomes increasingly important as certain digital assets are only available for authorized resellers. Further, because of privacy (GDPR), we limit user reporting to brands to consensual (authorized) reseller relationships.

Tagging calendar pop-up

To further improve the user experience in our PIM is that we tag the booking calendar with “review date”. It’s clearer what someone is setting a date for.

Reasons-To-Buy improvements

Further, we improved the processing time for applying the Reason to Buy logic.

Simplified login page and back-office

We removed redundant text strings, signs, and other interface elements wherever we could. For example, on the login page and PIM back-office pages. Below an example of login page simplifications:

Bug fixes Release Notes 116

Finally, the bug fixes of Release Notes116:

  • PIM back-office: the completeness score color was red at first during the initial page load.
Vladimir Demchuk

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