
Icecat Introduces Local US Team and its Offerings

Icecat’s commitment to serving its clients in the US market is further strengthened by its new local US team. Icecat established a formidable US team consisting of Erik Iverson (Business Development Manager), James Smith (Country Manager), and Mehmet Ali (Business Development Manager), working tirelessly to support and empower e-commerce businesses. On top of that, Sherry Frederick and Tony Solliday are available for consultations with the team to maximize the success of Icecat in the US.

Currently, Icecat offers the following services in the US:

  1. Full Icecat: Icecat’s powerful product content solution is designed to enhance your products’ visibility and sales performance. Full Icecat is an extensive product information database that provides detailed and structured information about a wide range of products. Furthermore, it supports businesses, retailers, and e-commerce platforms in efficiently managing and distributing product data, standing out in crowded marketplaces, improving customer trust, and driving conversions.
  2. Open Icecat: Via our unique Open Icecat content distribution model, we deliver Product Information Management As-A-Service to brand owners that want to increase their product’s visibility and success in the fast-growing e-commerce market. Open Icecat is a unique, free-of-charge product catalog with standardized product data sheets (PDSs), syndicated under an open content license. Moreover, each PDS contains unique identifiers like a brand product code or a GTIN, a brand name, one or more product images and videos, localized marketing texts, leaflets, manuals, sustainability and other feature logos, and logistical data.
  3. Vendor Central: Icecat offers a free-of-charge content delivery platform for retailers and distributors: Icecat Vendor Central. Via this web app, brand suppliers can manually or automatically add their product information to our multilingual Icecat PIM via templates for bulk upload or our push API. In this Icecat PIM, the brand’s product content is standardized and automatically ingested by selected partners.
  4. Product Information Management (PIM): Icecat’s PIM solution lets you centralize and manage all your product information in one place. With a PIM, you can efficiently create, enrich, and distribute product data across multiple sales channels. Nevertheless, this ensures consistency, accuracy, and speed in updating your product information, helping you save time, reduce errors, and improve operational efficiency.
  5. Connectors for Amazon, Mirakl, and more: Icecat offers connectors for various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon and Mirakl. These connectors enable seamless integration between your online store and the respective platforms, ensuring smooth data synchronization and efficient management of product listings. Furthermore, with Icecat’s connectors, you can effortlessly expand your reach, tap into new marketplaces, and maximize your sales potential.

Meet The Icecat US Team

Erik Iverson, a resident of the picturesque Willamette Valley in Oregon, brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the local market. Alongside his passion for travel and exploration, Erik’s e-commerce strategy and business development expertise makes him an invaluable asset to Icecat’s US operations. With Erik’s insights and unwavering dedication, Icecat’s clients receive tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of the US market.

“With an ardent eye to the future, we’re cultivating new alliances across the continent, while fostering continued growth with our already celebrated partnerships, worldwide.”

Mehmet Ali Yılmaz is a driven and results-oriented professional who believes in the power of collaboration and innovation. With his sales expertise and passion for the e-commerce industry, Mehmet Ali is committed to helping Icecat grow and thrive in the dynamic US market. His dedication to customer success and his deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in the industry make him the perfect partner for businesses looking to elevate their online presence.

“With the dedication and enthusiasm I have, I look forward to cooperating with our business partners in the US and thriving together in the e-commerce industry. Let the journey begin!”

James Smith, a seasoned professional with a proven track record in e-commerce operations, is completing the dynamic US team. James’s expertise lies in optimizing product content, enhancing discoverability, and maximizing sales potential. With his meticulous attention to detail and data-driven approach, James ensures that Icecat’s clients receive comprehensive support and achieve optimal results in their online endeavors.

“With perseverance, resilience, and immense effort, I’m eager to expand the US portfolio alongside my already global affiliations and relationships. I am extremely ecstatic about the future of E-commerce and content syndication!”


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