
Icecat in Top 20,000 Global Websites According to Alexa

The Icecat domains and improved their Alexa Ranking by more than 30% since January 2021. Alexa is a global website ranking system that uses website traffic data to list the most popular websites. It ranks literally millions of websites in order of popularity. The better the Alexa rank, the more popular a website is. I stated earlier that companies should not rely on Alexa ranking, as the data is limited to only visitors who have added the toolbar extension.

Improved Alexa Ranking 2021

For both domains, we make sure the website is up-to-date with the latest technologies. Furthermore, we optimized the metadata of the website, like page titles and meta descriptions. But also, write content for Iceclog that attracts people. The improvements in SEO will generate more traffic to our domains and therefore increase the chance to turn online visitors into leads.

Alexa might not be the most complete or reliable ranking method. On the other hand, it can be useful to check if your SEO strategy pays off and for website comparison in combination with other tools. For example, like SimilarWeb or Google Analytics. For now, we can conclude that the Icecat domains are getting more popular.

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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