
Icecat implements Social Media functionalities on

Icecat added social media functionalities on using the BudyPress framework: groups, connecting to “Partners”, and messaging your partners. At first we tested it internally, but now opened up the social media stuff for our users and visitors. Feel free to give your feedback in the Social Media Group.

Spam free

We all have the experience that LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other mainstream social media have become ad and spam channels, that start to eat too much of our valuable time. Therefore, the aim of adding social media to Icecat’s ecosystem is to create a spam free environment through which “the channel” can communicate and interact with each other: brands and retailers and their direct business partners. This is why we don’t talk about “friends” but about “partners”. It’s a learning process how to meet the needs of various Icecat users and relations, while still keeping a spam free environment.

Easy access

To get access to the Icecat social media you need to register at Iceclog. It will take you few minutes to register and login. Gradually, we’ll make further improvements to make access as easy as possible.

On your profile page, you can edit your personal data and change your profile image.

You can check for new activities in the “Notification” section. Or you can communicate with other users via the “Messages” and in the “Groups”.

For the overview of your connections you can check “Partners” or the “Group” tab.

From the “Invite” tab you can send your partners invitations using their email addresses. You can also send group invitation together with an invitation to Iceclog.

The system also supports updating the settings of a particular user.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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