
Hasbro Revolutionizes Online Shopping Experience with Icecat’s Rich Content

Thanks to its collaboration with Icecat, Hasbro is revolutionizing the online shopping experience. By offering detailed product content through the main Italian sales channels. Icecat’s enriched content, which includes videos, logos, technical specifications, 3D models, and extensive photo galleries, is designed to offer a more engaging and interactive user experience. This innovative approach not only enriches online browsing but also allows consumers to “experience” the product. Which significantly increases the conversion rate on sales pages.

Toyscenter and other retailers capitalize on Hasbro’s Rich Content to improve the online shopping experience!

Toyscenter, as a leading retailer, stands out for being at the forefront. In adopting Hasbro’s Rich Content, it established itself as a pioneer in improving the online shopping experience. As a result, the effective use of their A+ pages serves as a model for the entire sector, encouraging more and more retailers to follow their example. However, Toyscenter is not the only one to take advantage of the benefits of Hasbro’s Rich Content provided by Icecat. Numerous other retailers have capitalized on these contents to enrich the online experience of their customers. For instance, here’s the list of the retailers that have successfully implemented Hasbro’s Rich Content:

Coop, Rocco Giocattoli, Capriccio, Giodicart, Librerie Feltrinelli, Mornati Paglia

Icecat has facilitated the Hasbro integration process. Making the Rich Content quickly implementable through a few lines of JavaScript in the HTML code. This ease of use allows e-commerce of any size to access and publish these enriched contents on various devices. Consequently expanding the reach and effectiveness of online sales strategies.

Impact of Rich Content on Consumer Behavior and Sales Metrics

The adoption of Hasbro’s Rich Content not only enriches the online shopping experience but also has a tangible impact on the sales performance of retailers. Recent studies show that product pages that use enriched multimedia content register an average increase in dwell time of 30%, a reduction in the abandonment rate by 20%, and thus an increase in conversions by up to 15%. These results highlight the power of a more engaging and informative online shopping experience. Furthermore, Rich Content helps build consumer trust in the products offered. The ability to view detailed demonstration videos, explore image galleries, and interact with 3D models of products allows customers to make more informed and secure purchase decisions. Thus reducing the return rate and increasing customer satisfaction.

Are you a Hasbro retailer?

If you are part of Hasbro’s authorized distributor network, you can leverage Icecat. To integrate these enriched contents and transform your product pages. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up online or contact your local account manager for more details and to gain access to the necessary resources.

Discover how to enhance your online offering

Are you a brand looking for solutions to enrich the online experience of your products? Discover how Icecat’s Rich Content can make a difference. Contact our team directly to start transforming the presentation of your products. And don’t miss the opportunity to make your commercial offer truly irresistible.


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