
GS1 and Icecat Join To Streamline Do-It-Yourself Product Data

GS1 and Icecat now work together on a standardized Do-It-Yourself (DIY) data model for the DIY industry.
After working on the supermarket industry, data-exchange organization GS1 is now expanding to Do-It-Yourself (DIY). Omnichannel plays an important role in DIY as physical retailers are embracing the online game. In addition to supporting internal processes, retailers now also need standardized product content to identify and position products in their online outlets.

After a slow start, the DIY industry has fully embraced the online channel, at least for buyer orientation.  CEO of Homedepot Craig Meaner explains:

The customer starts digitally looking at a product, doing research and then in many cases particularly in a large ticket they come in and they actually want to talk to one of our associates before they make a purchase. But clearly, in big-ticket categories we sell both in the physical and the digital world.


In order to support the DYI sector, Icecat is directly integrating with GS1’s DYI data pool conforming to GS1 standards. Icecat has included the GS1 DYI data model in its product information management (PIM) system and has enriched it with additional data attributes from the commercial data models of DYI retailers, to help buyers with easy selecting the right product.

For more information, please contact us or leave a comment.

Gloria Serafini

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