
EPOS Product Content in Open Icecat Catalog

EPOS, a company that delivers high-end audio solutions designed for enterprise and gaming, is now an open Icecat Sponsor. Based on pioneering audio technology, EPOS strives to unleash human potential by perfecting audio experiences and delivering innovative design and performance with all of its audio solutions. All the EPOS product content is now available in the Icecat catalog for syndication to all EPOS channel partners for free. As EPOS makes use of Digital Rights Management it keeps control of the product content as retailers first have to authorize before using the content.

EPOS invites all its Benelux e-commerce partners to get its standardized product content via Icecat. The free content includes, for example, specifications, marketing texts, product images, brochures, and many other content types. High-quality product content improves the online customer experience and increases sales.

Benefits for EPOS retailers

Using the Icecat platform gives EPOS retailers in the Benelux many benefits. The EPOS product content is delivered in a timely manner, complete and complemented by localized digital assets. The content of EPOS is now available immediately after registration in the Icecat catalog for free in English, French, and Dutch. Retailers have the option to download and implement the product content in various formats. For example in CSV, XML, JSON, or Icecat LIVE. Furthermore, to provide legal comfort, EPOS has licensed Icecat to syndicate its copyrighted materials to its channel partners.

Download Free EPOS content

If you are an EPOS reseller, use your Icecat account to download its free product content. In case you don’t have an account please register online, contact your local Account Manager, or contact us online. Further, we advise authorized EPOS resellers to request authorization to EPOS via the Icecat interface.


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