
Back at Icecat as Director of Talent Acquisition and Training

Yours sincerely, Icecats former Nordics region Manager, is returning to Icecat as Director of Talent Acquisition and Training. After two years in a corporate and as an independent, it is an honor and a pleasure for me to return to Icecat in this role. One of my colleagues said “welcome home”, and that rings true. Coming back to Icecat feels like coming home. Although the home has changed in the mean time and my role in it evolved.

Icecat is growing

Icecat is growing fast and we have several open positions and will need more people in the near future. As in any company, labor is the biggest post on the balance. Or like we like to say. People are our biggest investment. It is therefore an honor for me to be entrusted with this position, in this exciting time for Icecat. An exciting time in which cloud and tech specialist have become more scarce, and the labor market is overheated.

Building on previous experience

As I have previously worked in Icecat I know the company, our products, and our people and international culture well. I will build on what I did before in the Nordics team. In hiring and training people. But, I will now take over part of this job for all the territories. I will still rely on each region manager to do the local training regarding local clients and markets.


My mission in this position is to help Icecat find the right people and help employees grow in their position and skill while they enjoy themselves and we have a great time together.

In this, my responsibilities are to find people, train people, retain people. All these are important parts of my role. 

In finding people I look first and foremost for integrity and a great attitude. Other requirements are important like network, language, education, and experience. 

Icecat loves interns

Hiring interns has always been important for Icecat. It takes time to train new people. And for any new employee at Icecat, it takes three months to really get a grasp of our system technology and solutions that we sell. This is why our internships are six months. And this is also why we like to keep interns if we see in these six months that they can do the job well. Currently, we have six employees that came through an internship. 

A Safe Place

Nurturing talent is part of my job description. Which in essence means creating a safe and inclusive place for people to work in and contribute. Here I will focus on having the right conditions in place so that people who work at Icecat, feel challenged and have a good time together. This is a team effort. I expect each team member in Icecat to take care of each other and themselves. My job is to make sure we have the right conditions in place and to guide people if needed. 

Icecat has that something

What I have always enjoyed about Icecat, and the reason why I want to return is the good relations between people from many different nations and backgrounds, and the independence that employees are entrusted with. And last but not least, the social gatherings that help us get to know each other and connect. Like Friday drinks, the Halloween party, the summer, and Christmas social events. 

The right conditions

To ensure the right conditions, I will make sure employees have guidance and training, especially in the beginning, so that they have all they need to make good decisions within their position and territory. I expect employees also to take a proactive role in this. In this, I encourage our workers to have an ongoing personal development plan.  And I am here if they would like to discuss their career path and the opportunities within Icecat.

Job Crafting

Icecat is open to new ideas and if our workers see an opportunity or a need within our team, market, or services we are open for them to research and develop this idea. In this way, employees can also shape their own roles in collaboration with leadership. 

I am excited to be back at Icecat, and I am looking forward to welcoming new employees and interns. And for all the opportunities we can create together. 

Èlisabeth Krussand

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