Top 30 Product Content Platforms of 2020


Per January 2020, most Icecat users are still uploading product content to their custom, LAMP-based, e-commerce or PIM environment. Out of a historical sample of around 85K users, the observed platform diversity is enormous: Icecat users report more than 2,000+ different platforms.

Amazon on top as marketplace

However, if we look at the platforms that show most dynamics, the largest annual increase, we see a different picture. Amazon is on top, after them are WordPress/Woocommerce, PrestaShop, Magento Commerce (Adobe), and Microsoft. Ebay is now behind Amazon as the most popular marketplace. Alibaba including Taobao and AliExpress is catching up as a marketplace.

Woocommerce and PrestaShop overtake Magento

Woocommerce seems to have replaced Magento as the most popular open-source webshop. It’s remarkable that also PrestaShop has overtaken Magento Commerce. They seem to have lost the sympathy of the open-source community after its take-over by Adobe, and subsequent radical overhaul of its e-commerce tech.

Easy marketplace integration

During 2020, marketplaces will become increasingly important. And, webshop environments that simplify the process of feeding marketplaces with content and offers, will be winners. The rise of Shopify could also be interpreted in this light.

Iceshop launched a new add-on, an Icecat Shopify connector. This in addition to existing ones for PrestashopMagento, and WooCommerce. These connectors not only link these most popular e-commerce platforms to PIM environments but also automate the import of Icecat product content.

Icecat has a huge list of integration partners, see the complete overview of add-ons, that makes it easy to integrate product content to the platforms.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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