Announcing additional tags for Product Titles and Local Product Name


We expect, per September to apply the following changes in the Icecat data output structure:

Support two titles per product: Brand Owner and Icecat titles

Currently, Icecat generates titles for each product automatically. Titles may be a concatenation of brand family, product series, selected spec values or category name. The title concatenation logic is unique per category, and settings are made by the Icecat taxonomy managers. Alternatively, the brand owner can request or provide its own product title per locale. Both in XML and JSON output files, we tag this asset as “Title”. At the moment, the locale title is changed based on brand requirements, and in Icecat output this overwrites the tag “Title” with the updated brand title so that the Icecat generated title disappears from the product XML and JSON. To make our output more consistent, we decided to publish in a product XML and JSON locale both Icecat and brand owner titles. For brand owner titles, we will add the new tag “BrandTitle”.

So, every product in the Icecat data base will thus have the Icecat title (tag “Title”) for all supported locales, and in case that a brand provides a local brand title, we will also publish that title (tag “BrandTitle”) in the respective locale.

Further, we will also start publishing the International title in the product XML locale, which is we currently only published in the INT (international) localized XML. We will tag it as “IntTitle”. This asset will always be present in the product XML and JSON locales.

Support international Product Model Description together with local one

In the Icecat data base, we have a local and international Product Model Description. In the product XML we publish it under the tag “Name” and in JSON under the tag “ProductName”. The international Product Model Description is always created by Icecat as an attribute value that can be used for any language (locale). A local Product Model Description is created per brand request or policy. Currently, once a local Product Model Description is added to a product, we simply publish it in XML and JSON instead of the international one. Again, to have more consistency in our output data, we decided to publish both the international (under existing tags) and local Product Model Description in product XML (tag “localeName”) and JSON (tag LocaleProductName”).

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

  • commented on July 24, 2020 by Harko van der Wal

    Hi Vazha,

    That sounds great, I am haven quite some issues with overwritten titles in the NL locale.
    So the main question is: when will this be implemented?
    And second: will already overwritten titles get restored to the Icecat title?

    • commented on July 27, 2020 by Vazha Abramishvili

      Dear Harko
      As it is mentioned in the article we expect per September to apply the following changes.
      Yes, already overwritten Icecat titles will be restored

      Kind regards

      Vazha Abramishvili

  • commented on September 10, 2020 by Kostas


    2 questions. Is there any timeframe when this will be enabled and also, if you have an example to fully understand the change, I’ll appreciate.


    • During the sprints this month, depending on tests. It will not disrupt existing interfaces as it’s about an additional tag. We’ll report it when it’s live.

  • commented on October 7, 2020 by Harko van der Wal

    Any update on this?

    And as I understood earlier it would mean that existing titles that were misused would be corrected right?
    So that will impact the exisiting tag/data

    • Dear Harko
      Due to other priorities, the deadline has shifted a bit but we will finalize the task by the end of the year.
      Titles created (if they are created) by the manufacturers will be provided under the tag “BrandTitle”
      Titles generated by Icecat will be provided via the currently existing tag “Title”.

  • commented on January 26, 2021 by Harko van der Wal

    Hi Vazha,

    Any update on this?
    I have not seen any changes yet.

    We have a lot of issues with “weird” productnames for the Dutch/NL market
    An example:
    productname: BT3226/14
    productname: Baardtrimmer met nauwkeurigheidsinstellingen van 0,5mm

    I thought this would be solved by now.
    Please let me know the status.

    Harko van der Wal

    • Dear Harko

      We are planning to release the development on the 4th of February. In case of challenges, the release date may be shifted to 2 weeks.

      We will check and update the product examples mentioned by you.

      Kind regards

      Vazha Abramishvili

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